Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Build Your Own Classroom

Just like a student traveling to class in person has a specific room where their class meets, every online student needs a quiet place to devote to classwork. Many students attend classes from home, but the library or even a calm coffee shop can be a classroom if you want or need it to be.

The place you choose for your online course work can be anywhere that works for you, but it has to be somewhere where you can work, undisturbed (or at least reasonably so) for at least 45 minutes or so every day (or up to two hours every other day). Trying to study in a busy cafe or at the kitchen table while your family buzzes around you will not be conducive to your success.
Build Your Own Schedule

On-campus college courses meet every week at set times in a set place. Your online school courses may not even have a on-campus component at all. Professors can post readings, videos, and other information in an entirely virtual class space. This means that it's your responsibility to make up a schedule that works for you in order to get all of your work done. If you are taking a standard three-credit course, then you can expect about three hours of dedicated class work per week, with an additional six to nine hours of homework added to that.

You are going to have to devote at least 45 or more minutes per day, or up to two hours, four days per week in order to get it all done. The good part is that you can pick the time for almost all of this work. Depending on the nature of the online course, the instructor may decree certain times for live presentations or live chats that the entire course takes part in. They may not prove mandatory, but much like an on-campus course, taking part in these group discussions/activities will yield you more positive results.

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